thunderbird can't find my mail

Duncan Anderson duncangareth at
Mon Oct 10 10:00:58 UTC 2005

Christoph Bier wrote:

>Duncan Anderson schrieb am 10.10.2005 11:09:
>>Yes the file is called "lock". To make sure all the files in the 
>>directory hierarchy are owned by you, open a root terminal window and go 
>>to your home directory.
>>Type in the following command:
>>find ./.thunderbird -print | xargs chown duncan:duncan
>>This will change the ownership and group ownership of all the files and 
>>directories below ~/.thunderbird to owner "duncan" and group "duncan".
>What about
>	chown -R duncan:duncan ~/.thunderbird
>     Christoph
Part of the joy of using UNIX/Linux is that there is almost always more 
than one way to do the job. :-) You have shown me an option to "chown" 
that I was not aware of.


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