Locales and Errors

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair_tocancipa at gmx.net
Sun Oct 9 23:44:28 UTC 2005

Andy Choens writes:

> Is there anyone else out there getting errors with OpenOffice not able
> to find libpangohack.so.0.0?  It's in my my libs32, but OOo doesn't
> seem to be able to find it for some reason.

I do get the same error:

sh: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib32/libpangohack.so.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Seems the error can just be ignored, since files are opened
correctly. Looks like a bug in the packaging.

> How do I set the locale for the 32-bit libraries on 64 bit machine?
> I'm wondering if dpkg-reconfigure locale is not fixing the problem,
> because the 32bit libs aren't responsive to what 64bit dpkg.

If I understand correctly oppenoffice has been packaged in such a way
that it can run on a 64bit system without the need of a chroot or
multi-arch[1] support by the OS, but only with 32-bit emulation

I think the safest way to set locale for 32bit libraries on a 64bit
machine is doing it inside a 32bit chroot. I don't see how the
libpangohack.so.0.0 bug relates to locales though.

[1] http://people.debian.org/~taggart/multiarch/


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