Zope and Plone

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Oct 9 07:35:12 UTC 2005

The packages in the Hoary repository are not the latest versions, Zope 
or Plone.

Though they should work fine and you can upgrade the plone instance by 
downloading the source files and overwriting the older files.

I would say, install from source(works for me) or wait a few days for 
breezy which probably has a newer version.



Derek Broughton wrote:
> Patrick Newberry wrote:
>>Looks like a fellow I'm am working with wants to use plone on a web
>>Has anyone put zope and or plone on a ubuntu box?
> Yes.  Done anything with it?  Well, not yet... :-)
>>I believe they are in one of the repositories.
>>Anything I should be aware of / look out for?
> It installed pretty easily
>>I'll be trying it this weekend. (I'd guess they be in the universe
> Can't remember - either universe or multiverse

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