new user with a question about NVidia

AA asokanon at
Sat Oct 8 01:57:10 UTC 2005

Hello all, I am new to the world of ubuntu, although
not exactly new to linux.  I have run redhat and suse
before, but to this point ubuntu is the one that I
prefer.  I am not attempting to give my bio, just to
say that I can find my way around reasonably well. 
That having been said, I want to ask about the NVidia
drivers with this OS.  I have a NVidia TNT2 m64 with
32m ram, I am curious about what I need to do to get
the most from this card.  I have read that the NVidida
support is built in, so I dont need to do anything,
but I have also read that I should be seeing a NVidia
logo on boot if the drivers are loaded, which I dont. 
I want to make sure that I have the recent, best
drivers for this AGP because I want to get my all from
my hardware, but also because I will eventually be
trying to run some games via cedega in order to
appease my sons windows addiction.  (I can live
without the games, but I know I will have to at least
try and make it work for him, and so I want to make
sure this card is settup properly before I do).  What
do I need to do>  Do I install a new driver?  How do I
test the card to see if 3d and all that is active?
Thanks in advance,

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