
Hal Davison hal at
Thu Oct 6 20:00:20 UTC 2005


It's an application that I wrote wing the Progress 4GL database.

The product is currently running on a Linux version 2.2.19 using the 
iBCS package with no problem for the last 6 years.

I just need to get past the 2.2 kernel thing and move up toward the 
current version of Linux.


Eamonn Sullivan wrote:

>On 06/10/05, Hal Davison <hal at> wrote:
>>I am a new user to this disto of Linux.
>>In that this distribution is based on the Debian model, are there
>>package, kernel patches available for Linux-abi(Applications Binary
>>This little emulator allows one to run a Unix or SCO Unix coff binary on
>>the Linux elf filesystem thus vastly increasing the number of available
>>applications available to Linux.
>This is somewhat of a blast from the past. Can you give an example of
>an application you're hoping to run on Linux that is only available as
>a SCO binary?

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