recent kernels won't boot

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Oct 4 17:05:33 UTC 2005

Evan Martin wrote:

>I've been happily apt-get'ing upgrades for months now (since before
>Breezy, if that helps), but recent kernels suddenly stopped working.
>With these more recent kernels at startup, I get, after the "audit"
>console message that occurs on regular boots:
>  Unable to find volume group "hda2"
>  ALERT! /dev/hda2 does not exist
>and then I'm dropped to busybox.
>2.6.10-5-686-smp -- ok
>2.6.12-6-686-smp -- not ok
>I could narrow that down more if you think it'll help.
>I've seen a few others have seen a similar problem, like this fellow:
>But they've all been lilo problems and I'm using grub
>Some more data:
>I haven't changed my grub configuration from the default menu.lst and
>update-grub output.
>I'm not using LVM, to my knowledge.  I did a pretty straightforward
>install of Ubuntu when I first set up this computer, and unless it set something
>up without my knowledge...
>% cat /etc/fstab | grep -v '^#'
>proc            /proc           proc        defaults            0       0
>/dev/hda2       /               reiserfs    defaults,noatime    0       1
>/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto      0       0
>% cat /proc/cmdline
>root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash
>Some guesses about the problem:
>- Maybe there's an assumption about your drive setup that was
>introduced in a later kernel?
>- The machine is a Shuttle "Zen XPC ST62K", which means it may have
>some funky hardware, so maybe the new kernel dropped some module?
>I'd file a bug, but I'm not sure what package I should file against.
Kernel updates execute the update-grub process.  The /boot/grub/menu.lst
file works with single (#) and double (##) comments.  when booting grub
ignores text following both single and double comments, but update-grub
only ignores double comments.  It updates your grub menu to reflect
kernel updates using the lines following single comments.

If you added or removed drives or partitions, your /boot directory which
used to reside on /dev/hda2, may now reside elsewhere, but the single
commented defaults in menu.lst still point to /dev/hda2.

I suggest you have a look and if this is your problem, make the changes
to the defaults manually, and then run update-grub.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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