Kernel update - now no DRI --SOLVED--

James Gray james at
Tue Oct 4 05:58:25 UTC 2005

On Monday 26 September 2005 15:35, James Gray wrote:
> I've been using the packages from Flavio Stanchina
> (
> for a while with my Ati X300 lappy.  Everything was happy and 3D
> apps/screen savers were smoooth :)
> This morning I did an "apt-get dist-upgrade" and among a few KDE3.4.2
> updates there was a new kernel and new headers etc.  This normally isn't a
> problem as after the reboot, to load the new kernel, I loose 3D
> acceleration until I recompile the fglrx kernel module.  So I went and did
> that and can successfully load the kernel module.

> /var/log/Xorg.0.log: 
> (II) fglrx(0): UMM area:     0xc0501000 (size=0x03aef000)
> (II) fglrx(0): Composite extension enabled, disabling direct rendering
Should've read the error message in context shouldn't I? 

> (WW) fglrx(0): ***********************************************
> (WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!                  *
> (WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver kernel module missing or bad) *
> (WW) fglrx(0): * 2D acceleraton available (MMIO)             *
> (WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available                *
> (WW) fglrx(0): ********************************************* *

In /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is the following lines:
Section "Extensions"
       Option "Composite" "Enable"

Comment out this entire section (need to be root/sudo) then restart the X 
server and voila.  Accelerated 3D again.

It seems the composite extension is incompatible with the 3D acceleration.  No 
big deal for me, I don't use it.  If you have turned on experimental 
transparencies etc, then this conflict may affect you too.  The fix is to 
disable the composite extension.

HTH someone out's been bugging me for a week or so :(


He who despises himself nevertheless esteems himself as a self-despiser.
  -- Friedrich Nietzsche
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