Ubuntu video slow

ulrich steffens ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org
Mon Nov 28 17:49:46 UTC 2005

Am Montag, den 28.11.2005, 12:19 +0200 schrieb George:
> I installed Ubuntu two days ago and I'm very satisfied. I hadn't
> worked with linux before so I'm learning my way around.
> I've managed to install mostly everything I need to keep me from using
> windows. I've come across some difficulties with video though.
> Ubuntu did detect and install the nvidia driver but everything I do
> with gnome seems very slow, opening windows, redrawing them, things
> like that. I installed zsnes and snes9x to test the video
> acceleration, both were running slow and couldn't get stable
> framerate. Compared to windows xp.
> Also, ubuntu won't let me set a resolution over 1024*768. That's the
> resolution I was using in windows but in gnome everything looks much
> bigger so I have trouble working like this on my desktop.
hi george,
there is no need to screw your system and following a guide on the
forums which suggests you should use drivers outside of ubuntus
repositiries! just follow the 'ubuntu starter guide' that you'll find
under 'system > help > ubuuntu starter guide > hardware'.

if there are problems just report back!

ulrich steffens
ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org

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