Hyper-Terminal Replacement

Timothy A. Holmes tholmes at mcaschool.net
Mon Nov 28 13:49:21 UTC 2005

Good Morning:

I am rapidly closing in on the total elimination of windows on my
laptop, I have just a few remaining programs that I need help with
finding proper Ubuntu replacements for. Right now, the most critical is
the Windows Hyperterm program.  I use it for talking via com port (via a
usb to com dongle) to my switches and UPS units.  I need to be able to
address the com port properly, and then send and receive in open

Any Suggestions?

Timothy A. Holmes
IT Manager / Network Admin / Web Master / Computer Teacher
Medina Christian Academy
A Higher Standard...
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 29:11
Esther 4:14

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