How to edit PDF?

Henrik Eismark h.eismark at
Sun Nov 27 16:30:33 UTC 2005

No this won't help as I am not thinking of changed document along the servers 
like sending it by mail but changing documents on the hard disc, like 
contracts, wills etc

On 27-11-2005 17:18, David Teague(T-bird acct) wrote:

> A slightly different way might be to encrypt. There is
> 128 bit encryption .... is it any good for this purpose?
> The theory says that given sufficient computing power,
> any encryption can be broken. I would like to find one
> that nobody but a government (or Microsoft) will have
> the resources to break it -- at least for a year or two.

Dagens visdom: Jo mere papir der bruges, jo mere skov plantes der.

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