forcing a disk check

Randall J. Parr RParr at TemporalArts.COM
Sun Nov 27 14:52:31 UTC 2005

ben miller wrote:

>Is there a way to force a disk check when Linux boots? I've been looking
>at difference sources on the web and haven't found any reference to
(At least on my old Red Hat systems...)

If the file "/forcefsck" exists, a fsck should be run on reboot.

$ sudo touch /forcefsck

should do the trick.

Similarily, if the file "/fastboot" exists, any fsck which might have 
been run will be skipped.

Note neither the old Red Hat man page or the Ubuntu man page for fsck 
say anything about this although it seems to work.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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