Need more disk space

Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) y.lesaint at
Sun Nov 27 13:50:22 UTC 2005

On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 12:08:26 -0800
"David J. Hatter" <djh3 at> wrote:

> I am a relatively new Linux user.  I started with Debian.  I then moved
> to Ubuntu and I am happy with it.  I have the following partitions:
> hda1	Windows 98SE	4GB
> hda2	Ubuntu		2GB
> hda3	Swap
> hda4	Debian		2GB
> I can select from Windows, Ubuntu and Debian at start up (the boot
> options were setup through the Ubuntu install). I don't plan on using
> Debian any more and don't have any files saved there that I need.  I
> need Windows 98SE for some work stuff but don't need 4GB.

Cannot help much for the windows thing, i have completely ditched
windows many years ago.

> I am thinking that it might make sense to reduce the size of hda1,
> increase hda4 and use hda4 for my Ubuntu home directory.

I would :
- keep hda1 the way it is until you do not need windows any more.
- remove hda3 and hda4.
- extend hda2.
- create a new swap partition hda3.

> Any other suggestions and, most importantly, how do I this?

2- Check that your backup is really working (i mean it).
3- Download knoppix.
4- Boot knoppix.
5- start qtparted.
6- In qtparted :
6.1- Remove hda3 and hda4.
6.2- Extend hda2.
6.3- Create a new swap partition hda3.
6.4- Apply the changes.
7- Reboot,
    ubuntu should be working working with more space,
    swap should be fully functionnal.
8- You will have to setup grub to remove debian entries.


Yannick Le Saint (kyncani) <y.lesaint at>
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