Problem with programs requiring root

Sarangan Thuraisingham / துரைசிங்கம் சாரங்கன் sarangan.thuraisingham at
Sun Nov 27 07:10:59 UTC 2005

bloch at wrote:
> I'm running Breezy on a laptop that  used to run Fedora, so I kept the
> /home directory.
> There's a strange problem with the installation in that it appears none
> of the GUI programs requireing root authorisation work properly (e.g.
> Synaptic, the software update tool).  When I try to run them, nothing
> happens i.e. in the case of synaptic or the update tool, I'm asked for a
> password, that appears to be accepted, but no window appears.
> Any ideas as to what's going wrong here?

Try running synaptic from command line like this:
   ' sudo synaptic'

It might help to read/post any messages that appear in the command line.

  - Saru
Sarangan Thuraisingham
ECS, University of Southampton, UK


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