Question about AMD64 and 64 bit installation

Hall family cogyfarm at
Fri Nov 25 09:34:57 UTC 2005

as the informational section on the amd packages explain, you should
either use the K7 package ( handles future updates the best ) or k7-smp.
I'm running an AMD 64 Semperon 2800 with the latest linux-k7 package
( it will automatically choose the extra restricted modules ) and it
works great!

On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 15:43 +0000, dan wrote:
> On 23/11/05, BBBB <ubuntulist at> wrote:
> > I have read about several problems with programs that are not compatible
> > with the 64bit version of Ubuntu.
> > Is it the AMD64 chip, or is it the 64bit OS that is the problem?
> IIUC, then its the 64bit OS that causes the problems and the lack of
> software that works with the 64bit chip when using the 64bit OS.
> > Could I just install the 32 bit version on an AMD 64 system?
> > If so, would I use the i386 version?
> Yup, I'm running Breezy i386 on my Athlon 3000+ 64 with no problems at
> all. Think you might be able to use i686 etc. but I'm not sure; i just
> stuck with the default at install.
> > Thanks,
> > Bradley
> >
> Dan
> --

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