LT Modems

'Forum Post ulist at
Fri Nov 25 06:01:31 UTC 2005

> PPP is crapping out with a signal 15

try wvdial...

don't know how experienced you are so: 

after apt getting (not sure if it was installed by default) it,

sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

(pray that it will find the

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf

input your ISP and passwrod info where needed (it says where); append
this line at the end: 
     Stupid Mode = yes 
 . save and close. than sudo wvdial . pray some more... if you're an
atheist, you'll need some beer as support...

Stupid mode lauches pppd as soon as it catches a signal I believe (more
info on with man wvdial)

good luck / beer / pray ...

I really wish ubuntu had out of the box winmodem support. I think we
would be slashdotted for a long time though?


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