Python or Perl?

Matt Galvin matt.t.galvin at
Fri Nov 25 03:52:03 UTC 2005

On 11/24/05, Hakim Singhji <hzs202 at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello All,
> I have been hearing a lot about Python lately. I have been using Perl
> for my primary scripting tool for about two years and had no real
> interest in Python. However, I am hearing so much about it I must ask
> the questions... Is Python the new Perl or better?

Python is not really the new perl, its just another really great
language and happens  to be the language of choice for Ubuntu. Mark
Shuttleworth is a big fan of Python, therefore many things in Ubuntu
use it, as well Launchpad and bazaar. Of course you can use whatever
language you are most comfortable with, but, Python is certainly worth
taking a look at.

Also comparing the two that way is not totally accurate since PERL is
by definition is really meant for text processing and Python is more
general purpose. Although, of course, either language can be used for
a vast range of tasks.

Hope this helps,


Matt T. Galvin
matt.t.galvin at
GPG: 0x01403A57

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