Making the -9 kernel default

Gruneberg kaosboss at
Thu Nov 24 04:47:27 UTC 2005

Tim Frost wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 20:09 +0200, Gruneberg wrote:
> Edit the grub menu.list, after saving a copy of it. (I use gedit, but
> substitute your favourite text editor):
>   sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/
>   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
> You have two choices:
> 1: Change the "default" entry to the number that matches the -9 image:
>     Count the "Title" lines in the file (starting at 0).  
>     Locate the line "default		0", and change the 0 to the 
>     number corresponding to the -9 kernel (this is probably "2", as
>     there are 2 entries for the -10 kernel - normal and rescue modes)
> snip.......
> When you are happy, reboot.

Thanks!  I did look at the menu.lst file but was a little apprehensive 
about messing in there!  Changed the default number and all is well.


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