Need a VPN client
mrknisely at
Thu Nov 24 02:54:04 UTC 2005
Timothy A. Holmes wrote:
>>Tim Frost wrote:
>>>On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 07:54 -0500, Timothy A. Holmes wrote:
>>>>Good Morning Everyone:
>>>>Ubuntu is running along sweet on my laptop, and its time for a
>>>>bit more improvement. This time, I need a good vpn client
>>>>with a gui for setup etc)
>>>>Our vpn here at work is run off a Cisco pix 501 firewall, and is
>>>>compatible with the windows VPN client.
>>>>I don't know a lot more about it yet (Im very new to VPN) but my
>>>>contractor and I got it set up yesterday, windoze can connect to it,
>>>>Ubuntu needs to be able to as well.
>>>There is a package that may be suitable. It is found in universe:
>>>vpnc - Cisco-compatible VPN client
>>>And Cisco have a version of their client for Linux. The installation
>>>this client requires that a kernel module needs to be compiled. This
>>>OK if you are familiar with building kernel modules for Ubuntu, but
>>>not for a novice.
>>>Hope this helps
>>>>Timothy A. Holmes
>>>>IT Manager / Network Admin / Web Master / Computer Teacher
>>>>Medina Christian Academy
>>>>A Higher Standard...
>>>>Jeremiah 33:3
>>>>Jeremiah 29:11
>>>>Esther 4:14
>>I run VPNC and it works pretty well. I use it with Pix-501 as
>>without issue. The configuration is not done through a gui though.
>>Configuration is a simple file as follows:
>>IPSec gateway XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
>>IPSec secret PRE-SHARE-KEY
>>Xauth password PASSWORD
>>Xauth username USERNAME
>>Domain DOMAIN
>> I don't use Xauth so username, password, and domain are blank for me.
>>Replace Groupname with the vpngroup in your pix config. Replace the
>>gateway with the public IP of the pix. Replace the Pre-Share-Key with
>>the group password in your pix config.
>>To get it going the command is easy:
>>user at hostname:/#vpnc vpn.conf
>>Once you're done, a simple vpnc-disconnect drops the tunnel.
>>I've been using it for a little while now, and it works well for me.
>>Mike K.
>[Timothy A. Holmes]
>Thanks a ton - that looks exactly like what I am looking for
No problem. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me. I'm just
one app away from banishing Windows from my system entirely. It's a
GREAT feeling!
Mike K.
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