CUPS Print Control

Carroll Grigsby cgrigs at
Wed Nov 23 19:01:32 UTC 2005

Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On 11/22/05, Ashwani Jain <ashwani at> wrote:
>>    I am trying to setup a print server in linux Ubuntu 5.10 which can do
>>print accounting, i.e do page count for each job thats printed on each
>>locally attached printer, log the IP / hostname who sent the print job etc.
>>Please help.  I want to know how to do it using CUPS.  I could not find
>>any good documentation where I could find the solution and probably thats
>>the week point of Linux that documentations are not centralised.  Any way
>>please help if you know about it.  Just give me some good link which can
>>solve the problem
> In this case the weak point isn't with the documentation -- CUPS is VERY
> extensively documented, both with files installed on your system and at
> BUT the implementation information is lacking -- I
> suspect that's the primary way the CUPS folks earn their consulting fees.
> I believe there are some helpful books on the subject -- check the O'Reilly
> web site -- I see from a few searches they have some
> free articles available too.

The folks at posted a new CUPS tutorial 
last week. It includes a section (3.3) on print accounting that may be 
of help.
-- cmg

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