NVIDIA nForce4

Randall J. Parr RParr at TemporalArts.COM
Tue Nov 22 16:05:02 UTC 2005

Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have experiences with nForce4 chipset and Ubuntu?
> Is there some issues?
> Thanks.
> -jec
I am trying to get an nForce4 system up and running
(Supermicro H8DCE (2) Opteron) and have experienced some problems.

I have had similar (but not identical) problems with Ubuntu and SuSE 10.0

My system just locks up frequently.  The logs have been little help but
what I have found indicated CPU oops messages that seem related to nForce4.

I believe *my* problems are actually related to the combination of
nForce4, nVidia 6200 PCIe video card, and nVidia X drivers.

I say this because I reinstalled Ubunut yesterday and worked all day
with out lockup but with noticeably slow video.  I then got around to 
the nVideo proprietary X drivers and immediately began experiencing the
lock up again.  I have tried the various X settings I found in the SuSE 
release notes
and in some newsgroup postings but to no avail.

I am also experiencing a minor problem with the nForce4 attached SATA 
drive not
resetting LBA mode when I reset but resetting OK if I power down.  
Annoying but
not a deal breaker like the lock ups.

Hope this helps.  If not please provide more information and maybe 
someone can help.

R.Parr, RHCE, Temporal Arts

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