Filing bug reports: What's the point?

Gary Hodges fsunoles at
Mon Nov 21 22:01:02 UTC 2005

On 11/21/05, Ryan Thiessen <ryanthiessen at> wrote:
> On 11/21/05, Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at> wrote:
> > I guess the developers have better things to do than posting an "I've
> > seen it" message to every new bug report. I think you should consider it
> > an acknowledgement that the bug is there, visibly, on the website, and
> > will not be lost.
> > And if you file more bugs you will also see cases were bugs are dealt
> > with extremely swiftly if they warrant the urgency, so please continue
> > to file your reports :)
> contribution.  Scott's orginal complaint should not be discounted, I'm
> sure there are many more people who have had similar feelings to him
> but have just not said anything and have silently discontinued
> reporting new bugs.

Would an auto-reply that includes a brief description of the way the
process works help?  That might be enough for the bug submitters to
believe their effort was worthwhile.

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