How to run my cou at lower freq

Ralf M�rler usenet at
Mon Nov 21 09:08:54 UTC 2005

Hi Santanu,

"Santanu Chatterjee" <thisissantanu at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:42b9a27d0511202145ia9711d6r5a75f00c19856008 at
>Hi Everybody,

> Is there some way in Ubuntu (and Linux in general) which
> will enable me to run my CPU at a somewhat lower frequency
> than the normal one?

My Pentium 4 mobile could be set to lower frequencies via cpufreq.
If you have ACPI enabled and your CPU supports frequency scaling there 
should be
here you can set the lower frequency(s).
If it's not there try searching Intel specs, maybe there is a way to write 
directly to the MSR.
Don't know if it's adjustable over the MSR but I lower my core voltage this 

IMHO this is the wrong way of solving the problem, see below!

> I have an Intel i815 based motherboard
> which does not have any option to change the CPU freq. from
> the BIOS. I need my CPU to run at say 1GHz instead of 1.8GHz.

Again, this is no solution!

> I need to do this since I am having some problems
> with the motherboard shutting down my system suddenly since the
> CPU is getting overheated. (I got this checked and this does not
> seem to be a problem with the CPU fan)

Maybe you should check if your cooling unit fits propperly to your cpu and 
if there's
heat-conductive paste between them.
A cpu with a propperly dimensioned and installed cooling unit should never 
overheat in "normal" daily usage!
My cpu (it's in a Notebook) a P4M1500 is getting to 70°C max. with 100% cpu 

Last you can take a look at your BIOS.
The critical shutdown temps are often specified and adjustable in there.
Maybe yours set to low.

> Thanks in advance for any help.

> Regards,
> Santanu


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