How to kickstart from floppy?

Tim Jackson tim.jackson at
Sat Nov 19 01:51:20 UTC 2005

still can't get the kickstart to partition automatically.
I get these errors just before the hardware probing

"/lib/kickseed/initrd-kickseed 109:    mountfloppy not found" 
"lib/kickseed/initrd-kickseed 124:    cannot open floppy/ks.cfg"

but the odd part is that the install does read the ks.cfg enough to get 
past all the screens up to the partitioning.

any ideas?

Tim Jackson wrote:

> Thanks for the response,
> I had read that doc, but missed one small point, I had been trying to 
> say just ks="floppy" at the install prompt.
> The correct form is "linux ks=floppy", to get a boot stanza in 
> isolinux.cfg
> It didn't work 100%, didn't partition automatically for me, but it got 
> the first few pages of answers from the ks.cfg.
> albi wrote:
>> On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 14:25:21 -0500
>> 'Forum Post <ulist at>, '
>> wrote:
>>> In my mind, kickstart is specific to RedHat/Fedora
>> kickstart was ported to ubuntu :

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