Need a VPN client

John j5483 at
Fri Nov 18 13:38:00 UTC 2005

OpenVPN ( would be your best bet. I'm not sure about 
a gui but it's fairly easy to configure and there website has very good 
documentation. You should be able to get it working in no time. Oh and 
OpenVPN can function as a client and as a server depending on how you 
configure it.


Timothy A. Holmes wrote:

>Good Morning Everyone:
>Ubuntu is running along sweet on my laptop, and its time for a little
>bit more improvement.  This time, I need a good vpn client (preferably
>with a gui for setup etc)
>Our vpn here at work is run off a Cisco pix 501 firewall, and is
>compatible with the windows VPN client.  
>I don't know a lot more about it yet (Im very new to VPN) but my
>contractor and I got it set up yesterday, windoze can connect to it, so
>Ubuntu needs to be able to as well.
>Timothy A. Holmes
>IT Manager / Network Admin / Web Master / Computer Teacher
>Medina Christian Academy
>A Higher Standard...
>Jeremiah 33:3
>Jeremiah 29:11
>Esther 4:14

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