Totem-xine has stopped playing DVD movies.

neil woolford lists at
Thu Nov 17 11:51:20 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 15:55 -0500, Steve wrote:
> On 11/16/05, neil woolford <lists at> wrote:
> > It's been working fine for months now, both under Hoary and now Breezy.
> >
> > Suddenly, Totem-Xine crashes silently if I attempt DVD movie playback.

> I had a similar thing happen a few months ago (might have been from an
> update). Using Hoary, the audio does not play anymore in totem-xine,
> however the video does. A few other people mentioned the same thing,
> and someone suggested to use just the Xine stand-alone player, and
> that works great. You might even like it better than Totem. :-)
Well, I've quickly installed xine (xine-ui) but haven't made any serious
attempt to configure it.  It certainly runs out of the box, but doesn't
appear to descramble yet.  I haven't tried to tell it where the codecs
and libdvdcss stuff are yet though.  It is a bit of a geeky interface,
but you do seem to be able to get in there to adjust and monitor
everything, so thanks for that and I'll have more of a look when I'm not
supposed to be working!

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