CPU temps on the panel?

Andrew Otte otte at optusnet.com.au
Thu Nov 17 09:28:02 UTC 2005

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005 1:16 pm, Peter Clark wrote:
> On Thursday 17 November 2005 01:54, Gary Hodges wrote:
> > Is there something like Gkrellm that will display my CPU temp and fan
> > speed on the panel.  I use Gkrellm now, but it always seems to be in
> > my way on the desktop.
>     Ktemperature will display the temperature in a systray applet. It's
> available in the Universe pool. I don't know of any applet that controls
> fan speed, however.
>     :Peter
The package ksensors does all this and more.  I think you need to be running 
kde though.  Don't know for Gnome.
Andrew otte
Laidley, Queensland

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