Booting to the command line without X-windows

golfer golfbuf at
Thu Nov 17 01:57:21 UTC 2005

On 11/16/05, John W Redelfs <jredelfs at> wrote:
> Because of all the Ubuntu hype, I'm coming back to Linux after several
> years away from it, and I have forgotten a lot.  Can anybody tell me
> how I should change my setup so that it boots from the boot loader to
> a console login without X-windows and Gnome?  I prefer starting out on
> the command line, and changing to a GUI only when I want one.

I set up run level 3 to be gui-less by deleting the /etc/rc3.d/S13gdm
and S21kdm and creating K01gdm and K01kdm links instead.  i.e.:

:~$ ls -l /etc/rc3.d/K01*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 13 2005-10-20 07:42 /etc/rc3.d/K01gdm -> ../init.d/gdm
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 13 2005-10-20 07:42 /etc/rc3.d/K01kdm -> ../init.d/kdm

Then when I want to use the console, just 'sudo telinit 3'.  To start
in konsole, I can 'sudo nano /etc/inittab' and change
"id:2:initdefault:" to "id:3:initdefault:"

> Alternatively, could someone tell me how to drop from the Gnome
> desktop to the command line without X-windows.  Using sudo in a
> terminal window from Gnome to install nVidia drivers doesn't work
> because I need to do it without X-windows running.

Maybe someone else has a better way.


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