madwifi during install?

Henk Koster H.A.J.Koster at
Wed Nov 16 20:58:00 UTC 2005

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:35:13 -0500, Matt Morgan wrote:

> On 11/16/05, Henk Koster <H.A.J.Koster at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 17:38:13 -0500, Matt Morgan wrote:
>> > I have a laptop I want to install Ubuntu Breezy on. It has a "LAN
>> > Express AS" card, which is apparently an Atheros chip supported by
>> > madwifi. The machine also has built-in wired ethernet. FYI, the wifi
>> > adapter connects to my AP under windows, and I'm not using WEP or WPA.
>> >
>> > The Breezy Badger install isn't working, and I can't tell exactly why.
>> > Basically, it's failing on DHCP without
>> >
>> > a) telling me which network card it's using
>> > b) giving me an opportunity to tell it to use the wifi card, and
>> > madwifi drivers (and manually install a driver, if that's necessary).
>> >
>> > How do I get this to work? How do I get more control over the install?
>> > I tried "manually configure the network card," the option that comes
>> > up when DHCP fails, but that only allows me to enter an IP address,
>> > which is clearly not the problem. I think the install is just trying
>> > to use the wired ethernet adapter, which isn't plugged in.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Matt
>> The driver you need is in the "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-386"
>> package, available on the Breezy install CD. This package is not installed
>> by default.
> Thanks. Can you point me somewhere that explains how I tell the Ubuntu
> install that I need a special driver?

As far as I know, you can install Breezy without a network connection, at
least the initial install. Once you're that far, then you can use Synaptic
to install the missing package -- just mount the install CD with 
"sudo mount /media/cdrom", possibly edit the /etc/apt/sources.list to point 
to this CD (it's the default, if I remember correctly), then install the
package with Synaptic (or in a terminal type "sudo apt-get install
linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-386". Don't forget to add the
following lines to /etc/network/interfaces:

iface ath0 inet dhcp

You can now insert the wifi card, type "sudo ifup ath0" and you should
have a connection. Personally, I prefer to let the "network-manager"
package (in one of the additional repositories) handle my network
connections (you don't need any "auto" or "hotplug" lines for this
interface in this case).
H.A.J. Koster
"Behavioral axioms are right, but agents make mistakes..."
(attributed to L.J. Savage)

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