Ubuntu LTSP and Screen Resolution

Al Gordon runlevel7 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 20:20:42 UTC 2005

I'm having a difficult time setting the display at anything other than
640x480 at 60Hz on my Ubuntu 5.10 ltsp environment.  I've played around
with various settings in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf to no avail.  All
I've managed to do in there is make the thin clients not work.  It
should go without saying that the System -> Preferences -> Screen
Resolution app is no help.  It only displays the one resolution
(640x480 at 60Hz).

The server for this setup is my desktop PC - a P4 w/ 2GB RAM and an
nVidia GeForce FX 5900 Ultra.  The clients are 700MHz PIII's w/ 128MB
RAM and a 16MB Voodoo3 card.

Pointers to resources that actually make sense would be greatly appreciated.



  -- AL --

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