Mount non-ipod mp3 player

Zach uid000 at
Tue Nov 15 20:56:01 UTC 2005

you can watch /var/log/messages to see what device is created when you
plug it in.

do this
tail -f /var/log/messages

the tail command shows you the last n lines of a file, where n=10 by default.
The -f option says to "follow", i.e., show me any new lines as they're added.
/var/log/messages, is where may system messages get logged.

This should reveal to you what device maps to your mp3 player.

However, if it isn't getting mounted automatically then there probably
more complicated problems.

Some mp3 players do not conform the usb mass storage class
specification and require proprietary software to interact with them. 
If you have ever used the mp3 player in another operating system such
as windows or OS X and you had to install special software before it
would be recognized, then this may be the case.

On 11/15/05, Will H. Backman <whb at> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-users-
> > bounces at] On Behalf Of Alligator
> > Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 10:34 PM
> > To: ubuntu-users at
> > Subject: Mount non-ipod mp3 player
> >
> > What would the /dev/____ name be, how do I mount it and what gnome apt
> > using Breezy would I use to download my tunes/
> >
> That depends on the player.  Some mp3 players appear to be nothing more
> than a USB memory drive and should pop up on your screen.  Other players
> require special software to communicate with them.
> What kind of MP3 player is it?
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

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