Ubuntu Newsgroup
Rebel Lion
obsidion at kwister.com
Mon Nov 14 19:50:08 UTC 2005
On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 06:13, Derek Broughton wrote:
> > I also prefer newsgroups but this one isn't listed at my news
> > provider's server :-(. For this list I use the Gmane gateway but
> > actually it's not the same like a newsgroup.
> What's not the same about it? I access it via a newsreader, I filter it
> like a newsgroup, and it looks _exactly_ like a newsgroup (even including
> the ability to cross-post into big 8 newsgroups, or alt.os.linux.ubuntu (or
> at least it would if my news server carried alt.os.linux.ubuntu).
> --
> derek
For all of you a little unfamiliar with newsgroups and servers. Go to
knode/pan whichever you use and set up a new news feed to point to
news.gmane.org, fetch the list and then join the appropriate ones.
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