
Eddie eagleblues at
Mon Nov 7 05:29:01 UTC 2005

I just tried to install Ubuntu Linux on one of my computers. I get all 
the way to log on and I put in my info and then it goes to a comand 
line. I am new to the Linux world. I have no idia what it is asking me 
for. I also had the same prob. when I tried to put in deblan.But I had 
no prob. with Mandrake Linux. I was just wanting to try the Ubuntu. I 
down loaded it off the Ubunto web sight could this be the prob.? Well, 
any way I hope you can help I have been trying for days to find someone 
to help but I get no responce. It's to bad it's so hard to find help. 
Even Window XP is hard to find help when you need it. I thought Linux 
would be better. But so far not so good. Thanks for any help. Eddie

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