Password Protect One Folder inside Another Folder

Vram lamsokvr at
Sun Nov 13 03:37:39 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 10:43 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:
> 11122005 1003 GMT-5
> I know this sounds odd, but, Im working on getting the local school to 
> see the benefit of using linux over windows. I have been asked to set up 
> something to present to the administration. That's all great but they 
> have some things they want me to be able to do - one of those is to 
> password protect a certain folder or file.  
> I just recently asked about permissions and ownership and that was very 
> helpful - and I received lots of links to great information. However, if 
> you just want to password protect one single folder inside say your home 
> directory - how can you do that?
> Would you just create a new owner and then use a script similar to the 
> one on the UbuntuGuide for Open As Root - you would just create Open as Bob?
> Wade

I would argue that password prospect is no the Ubuntu way

I would create anothe  user and group

Then make everyone who need access to that file part of the group and
have group  permission   rwx

Let me know if this dosen't make sense...


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