Update Manager "signatures were invalid"

Wade Smart wade at wadesmart.com
Sat Nov 12 22:47:16 UTC 2005

11122005 1642 GMT-5

I know this was brought up before, but I was just looking at some errors 
I keep getting when I try to update. This is the source list that I have 
been using. Can someone confirm or deny or add to this list for me? 
Besides the GPG errors, I seem to have trouble accessing some of these 


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'Forum Post wrote:

>Wade, as mentioned above I'm no fundi at Lunix. The above worked for me,
>as stated it may simply be that the server came back online... If you
>search the forums for: 
>"update manager"+"gpg error"+"signatures invalid"
>you'll get some more threads refering to this problem. The solution of
>changing the location indicator (us, de, se, etc.) in the path of the
>update manager app is mentioned again as well as one or two other
>options on which I'm not qualified to comment.
>I don't know if these links will work (suppose you have to be signed in
>at least) but you will find (if these links work) one or two other
>threads at:
>- http://tinyurl.com/83ktt
>- http://tinyurl.com/9swlv (this thread runs over a couple of pages,
>  you may need to click pages 2,3, etc. to get all of it.
>- http://tinyurl.com/7myfc
>Hope it helps, good luck.

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