Not able to install flashplugin-nonfree - "libruby (>=1.6.7-3) but it is not installable"

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Sat Nov 12 20:32:15 UTC 2005

On Saturday 12 November 2005 20:03, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem getting flashplugin-nonfree installed in Breezy. When I
> try to install it with Synaptic, I get
> flashplugin-nonfree:
> Dependencies: libruby (>=1.6.7-3) but it is not installable
> The funny thing is that libruby1.8 is available in the repositories. I
> even tried to install it beforehand, but it didn't help. Does anyone
> know what's wrong here? Thanks :-)

I think ruby1.6 is incompatible with the newer ruby1.8 version.  
Flashplugin-nonfree may have been made with the older version of ruby, which 
probably doesn't have the same libraries available now for some reason.  Just 
a guess, though.

Anyway, you *might* have some luck if you run the following commands as root:

cd /usr/src
apt-get -b source flashplugin-nonfree

Lee Braiden

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