
Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sat Nov 12 13:37:20 UTC 2005

On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 10:34:40 +0530
thebase0 <thebase0 at> wrote:

> hai,
> does any body konw how to create links in the 'computer:///' directory 
> in gnome it shows only File system and Network. i want links for all the 
> mounted partitions in the computer:/// directory.
> i created a link for a directory that points to a partition (ie, i have 
> mounted a partition on that directory),  by copying 
> and make modifications to point to my mounted partition and try to copy 
> it again to computer:/// but it shows an error file already existed, and 
> i cant able to copy it. i did all this as root.
> thanks in advance
> bye

My experience is that things show in the Computer place when they are in /etc/fstab .  Perhaps rather than battling with the problem the way you seem to be, you just need to add a valid /etc/fstab line for each mount point ?



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