Dapper changes RSS feed ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Nov 11 12:07:08 UTC 2005


I subscribed to the RSS feed for the "Dapper changes" mailing list, to
keep an eye everyday on what's going on in Dapper, but in the last 2
days, I noticed that "BLAM" showed me 50 items. I notice that it says:
I have the horrible feeling that BLAM displays only the last 50 items of
the feed, and that it maybe that in the last 2 days, more than 50 items
were posted to the mailing list, and the RSS feed therefore skipped some
items ! 
Not much point checking the feed if I miss items :o(

Whoever set this feed up, could it be possible to increase the size of
the buffer, so that it's big enough to contain say 36 hours worth of
items ? Maybe set it to 75 or something, or whatever is fit ??

Thanks in advance...



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