Skype and Gnome

Gavin Costello gavcos at
Fri Nov 11 07:36:41 UTC 2005

On 11-Nov-2005 07:14, Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Skype running on Breezy, but the user interface is ugly. This is 
> due to the fact that when running under KDE, it sets the user-interface 
> (Plastik in my case) into Qt which Skype use.
> But when under Gnome, it seems that the UI-Style is not set...
> Any idea how to solve that?
> Is there something KDE related to start to set the UI-Style in Qt?
---end quoted text---

Hi Jean-Eric,

Try running qtconfig.


Gavin Costello
gavcos at
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