Another Unofficial UbuntuGuide?

Mike Bird mgb-ubuntu at
Thu Nov 10 03:09:53 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 16:35, Steve Tripp wrote:
> Sounds like FUD to me.
> May as well have followed it up with "but then I followed other
> unknown directions on the "Official Site" and it worked like a charm."
> On 11/9/05, 'Forum Post <ulist at> wrote:
> >
> > I followed the directions for doing something on (cant
> > remember what) and it somehow deleted my entire home folder.

I tend to agree with Steve but I think it's worth feeding this
troll if only to study the reaction.  Therefore:

  Forum Poster!  Would you mind going back and identifying the
  harmful material so that other people can be protected?

Thank you on behalf of millions of Ubuntoids everywhere.

--Mike Bird

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