sudo problem

Hubertus Hiden hubertus at
Wed Nov 9 21:28:56 UTC 2005

Which version of vmware did you install ? I tried 5.0-13124 an
encountered the same issue.
There seems to be a problem with bridged networking. I didn't take a
closer look at this because I cancelled vmware an installed
vmware-player. I don't need more than vmware-player on this machine and
the installation ran well.
Btw. if you restart your network services (or simply reboot %-) )
everything works well


Darren schrieb:

> just installed breezy.. works and looks great.
> ive installed vmware (not working properly yet, but thats not
> important yet) since then, anything that requires sudo just hangs.
> example.. "sudo echo $PATH" just hangs in terminal. synaptic wont load
> as it requires sudo.
> allthough if i type "su" in a terminal, i can then use that terminal
> as in root. but this is no good for menu items that use sudo.
> Ive reinstalled the sudo package, made no difference.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Darren

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