Applet to start/stop DSL connection...

neil woolford lists at
Wed Nov 9 10:27:27 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 10:36 +0100, Andrea Giuliano wrote:
> Now I need for an applet similar to modem-lights, which is no longer 
> shipped with gnome-applets. 

It seems to have been reborn as Modem Monitor.

> Anyway, when I was a Fedora user, 
> modem-lights never worked...

It just about worked for me under Hoary, once I had made manual
adjustments to the chatscript to work with a non-standard dialing tone.

> Obviously, such an applet should also show the connection status, not 
> just start/stop it with a click.

In my opinion better to use Gnome PPP (from the universe repository).
It is much more versatile and can be set up completely from the gui.  It
isn't a panel applet, but you can just drag the icon from the menu to
the top panel to make a shortcut that looks like an applet.

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