Enabling/disabling boot services

Shot - Piotr Szotkowski shot at hot.pl
Wed Nov 9 10:10:31 UTC 2005


R Kimber:

> On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 19:49:16 +0100
> Luca Manganelli <luca76 at gmail.com> wrote:

>> I tried to disable that famous "HP printing services" (I have
>> an epson printer...) by using the application at "System ->
>> Administration -> Services" but i cannot find it (only the
>> cups service...)

> Is there a setting in /etc/default ?

Yes - /etc/default/hplip contains the following:

# Set RUN_HPLIP to no (anything starting with an n or N),
# if hplip should not be started (i.e.: RUN_HPLIP=no)


-- Shot
           Get me drunk one evening and get me to talk about Oracle
           and charsets...          -- John Sinteur, hates-software
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