QEMU and networking
Steven Heimann
steven at heimann.com.au
Wed Nov 9 01:06:07 UTC 2005
Has anyone had any success getting tun0 networking working with Ubuntu
5.10 and QEMU.
I have compiled QEMU from source because I wanted Win2k which needs a
flag not available on the standard Ubuntu version (-win2k-hack). I have
installed uml-utilities which was was needed to configure the tun0
device. I have configured tun0 chmod 666 so it would be writable.
I have (after much stuffing around) managed to get a device tun0 on my
host with ip and an ethernet ip of on the
Win2k guest.
However, they will not talk to each other. I can not ping the host from
the guest or vica versa.
I need to use tun type networking because I need a particular program on
the guest to be able to talk to the rest of the network. This program
is not using http/port 80 so I can not use user-net.
Any suggestions?
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