image browser and JPEG comments

Chosechu chosechu at
Mon Nov 7 22:26:08 UTC 2005

Todd Slater wrote:
> If you use
> gnome, one option might be to display thumbs in nautilus and write a
> little script using zenity to get a quick and easy box that will
> display the output of the command to display the comment. You dump
> that in your .gnome/nautilus-scripts (or some such place) and it
> becomes available when you right-click an item in nautilus.

Cheers to Todd!
I just did that and it works great. Not the most convenient
but comments are just one right-click away now.
For the record:

Create a new text file called e.g. 'jpgcmts'
Contents are:

for arg
    zenity --info --text="$(rdjpgcom $arg)"

Make the file executable with:
chmod +x jpgcmts

Put the file as mentioned above in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts
Now when you right-click an image in nautilus, the third line
from the top is a 'Scripts' menu containing jpgcmts, which
pops out a Gnome dialog containing the image JPEG comments.

If I had more time I would try to make it somewhat more foolproof,
like if you have weird characters in the comments you would like
to escape before sending to zenity, or handling non-JPEG images
or ones that do not have comments. Oh well... Point made.

Many thanks to all contributors to this thread.


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