Restricted Formats on a Free Operating System [was: Another Unofficial UbuntuGuide?]

Eric S. Johansson esj at
Mon Nov 7 20:35:30 UTC 2005

Derek Broughton wrote:
> I knew someone who was trying to buy a license to develop MPEG4 software. 
> The licensor simply refused to sell it, at any price, for an app that would
> run on Linux.

no surprises.  especially when you remember that the the licensor is 
either a motion picture company or has very close ties to motion picture 
companies which want to completely control the content from the actor to 
the a-hole (that's analog hole you pervert ;-)

this is also a phenomenally good argument for compulsory licensing of 
all patented technology.  If patents are for the social good by 
encouraging investment in invention, then an inventor cannot deny anyone 
from using that patent for any reason.  If they cannot negotiate a rate, 
then the licensee can use the patent at a rate set by a licensing board 
according to certain public criteria.

this policy mechanism allows licensees to escape monopoly rents charged 
for intellectual property.  For examples, look at the conflict with 
Brazil and South Africa with US and EU over licensing AIDS drugs.

--- eric

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