image browser and JPEG comments

Chosechu chosechu at
Mon Nov 7 19:47:29 UTC 2005

[IPTC tags]
> They're bigger and better, with a format that can hold much more
> information relevant to picture use and cataloging.  They were developed
> for press work, see
> There are new enhanced versions coming on now in association with Adobe.

Ok. Many thanks for the link, will check it out.
Though I'd have to point out that JPEG comments are (up to) 64k, were
included in the very first releases of the JPEG file format thus
supported by all decent JPEG libraries out there already, not in the
process of getting defined. And they cover my needs completely.
... and most image browsers can show them on another OS.

> EXIF in jpegs holds lots of information about camera settings and a
> little free form comment data.  Great for technical nerds wondering how
> sharp their lenses are at a given aperture, useful to smart
> photoprinters which can adjust themselves according the camera program
> used for the shot, not good for trying to catalogue or automate workflow
> and image retrieval.

Ok, but this addresses other needs. I just want to see the comments
included in my images as JPEG comments, which has been part of the file
format for ages. Since there is no need to develop new functionalities,
I was wondering why I cannot find any image browser that implemented it
on Linux? You can find it in libjpeg's API and command-line versions in

The IPTC direction is one to keep track of, anyway. Point taken.


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