DVD Packet Writing Slowness

Anders Karlsson trudheim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 20:18:32 UTC 2005

On 11/6/05, Norman Silverstone <norman at littletank.org> wrote:
> I was trying out the method of doing just what you describe, using the
> CD-RW as a floppy which requires multisession mode. It works very well.
> Unfortunately the multisession mode will not work with DVD because my
> hardware does not support it.

Multisession mode is still not quite the same. Packet Writing allows
you to create a filesystem on the CD or DVD, much like you do with a
hard drive. When you have it set up, you can copy a file to the
mounted filesystem, and when you delete it, you get the space back on
the CD or DVD. With K3b, growisofs or cdrecord, you can add things,
not delete - unless you blank the whole CD or DVD.

Packet Writing (you need udftools installed and a CD or DVD writer
that does packet mode) in quite different from how you would use a
CDRW or DVD±RW normally.


Anders Karlsson <trudheim at gmail.com>

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