DVD Packet Writing Slowness

Anders Karlsson trudheim at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 10:02:00 UTC 2005

Hi there,

I have recently acquired a LG GSA-4167B DVD rewriter and I am now trying
to get my bearings so that I can use it for backups etc. In the process
of getting to know the alternatives, I have experimented with packet
writing and UDF filesystem. I felt that the drive was performing rather
slowly (slower than expected) with any media I used (DVD-R, CD-RW or
DVD-RW). However, using a CD rewriter on another machine and creating a
UDF filesystem on a CD-RW disc shows that it is not the drive that is
slowing things down, it is the systems themselves.

Does anyone have any experiences with Breezy, DVD±RW/CD-RW and UDF
filesystem where writing speed is faster than a normal floppy drive? (A
4x CD-RW should do about 600kB/s, I am getting <6kB/s write speed.
Something is not right there. My LG drive is 32x for CD-RW, my CD writer
is 12x. )


Anders Karlsson <trudheim at gmail.com>
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