"Segmentation fault" - HowTo get rid of that?

Phillip Sc. Boegh psb at ipl.dtu.dk
Sun Nov 6 08:25:43 UTC 2005

> On Sun, 6 Nov 2005 00:08:27 +0100 (CET)
> "Phillip Sc. Boegh" <psb at ipl.dtu.dk> wrote:
>> I have a problem with many applications after even a succesfull
>> installation - I get a Segmentation fault - and it is not about bad
>> RAM. I know what "Segmentation fault" means
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault) but Google gives me
>> 1.7 mill. hits, so HowTo trace the problem and anyone succeeded to
>> get rid of this?
>> It occured after I have trying to .configure, make make install some
>> programs (MClight and others) before I saw the disaster?
> so you've checked your RAM with memtest and your hdd with the tool
> badblocks ? well,
>it's also possible that your CPU gets too warm
It has a BIG cooler - I have not overclocked.

> are you using plain hoary or breezy or ? and what mobo and CPU ?
Plain Breezy - and no problem before I did the .configure, make, make
install of some programs.

I think I may have made problems with these installations - somehow??



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