"Segmentation fault" - HowTo get rid of that?

Lee Braiden lee_b at digitalunleashed.com
Sun Nov 6 00:39:42 UTC 2005

On Saturday 05 November 2005 23:08, Phillip Sc. Boegh wrote:
> I have a problem with many applications after even a succesfull
> installation - I get a Segmentation fault - and it is not about bad RAM. I
> know what "Segmentation fault" means
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault) but Google gives me 1.7
> mill. hits, so HowTo trace the problem and anyone succeeded to get rid of
> this?
> It occured after I have trying to .configure, make make install some
> programs (MClight and others) before I saw the disaster?
> Any ideas are wellcome!

The Sig11 FAQ is the best resource I've seen on this:


I'm not sure if all of the tricks in there are up to date though.  For 
example, memory management in Linux might have changed so that the dd trick 
doesn't work any more.  It's worth going through it all step by step anyway.  
You'll definitely be much better placed to diagnose the problem after, if it 
doesn't enable you to find the issue directly.

Actually, this is worth reading over once whether you're actually experiencing 
sig-11s right now or not :)

Hardware problems can be tiresome, so I hope you manage to resolve it quickly.  
Good luck :)

Lee Braiden

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